Well, I'm not all that crazy about canning things: I find it just a tad labor intensive.

We do have a generator to keep the freezers and refrigerators going, but it wouldn't be wise to add a bunch of warm tomato sauce to them at this time. So water bath canning seemed an obvious choice. If you're new to canning, please refer to The Ball Blue Book: The Guide to Home Canning and Freezing,or visit http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/how/can_home.html.
Here's our set-up for canning. On the left is the water bath canner, with jars inside, all sterilized and being kept warm in the hot water. The first covered pan is for parboiling the tomatoes for 30 seconds to crack their skins and make them easy to peel. The second pan has the jar lids and rings, all sterilized and ready to go. On the counter is a colander full of parboiled tomatoes, draining into a large bowl, and cooling. To the right of the colander are more tomatoes ready to be processed. 

Using a funnel to keep the top rim of the jar clean, ladle the hot tomatoes into the jar. Remove the funnel, and use a non-metallic utensil to press the tomatoes till juice runs out and fills the jar. Leave 1/2 inch of head space at the top. Add 1 teaspoon canning salt to each jar and remove any air bubbles by running the non-metallic utensil between the tomatoes and the side of the jar.

Cover the canner and bring the water to a boil. Process for 45 minutes at a steady but gentle boil. Pint jars need boil only 35 minutes. (The timing is different for folks above a thousand feet in elevation, so check with one of the resources above if this is your situation.)
Remove jars and stand them on a double thickness of dish towel to cool. You will hear small popping sounds as the vacuum seals each jar lid. Hopefully you will hear seven of these little pops.
Allow the jars to cool undisturbed for at least 12 hours. (Do not retighten bands.) Test the seals by visually inspecting or gently pressing on the lid with your fingertip. The lid should be sligtly concave and not yield to pressure from your finger. If the lid has a slight upward bulge and yields to pressure, remove the ring and see if you can lift the lid with your fingertips.
If a lid has failed to seal, replace the ring and refrigerate the tomatoes. Eat them within a few days. For all the other jars, remove the rings, wash and dry the jars, and store in a dark, cool, dry location.
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